Nathalia Goncharova was one of leaders of Russian Avant-Garde.
She studied at the faculty of sculpture at MUZhVS (Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture) under Volnukhin and Trubetskoy (1898-1909). She has also studied painting by herself and had the help of K.Korovin and M.Larionov.
From 1906 the artist has taken part in the organization of exhibitions, in which she also participated, including "The Golden Fleece" (1908-1910), Union of Youth (1909-1913), Jack of Diamonds (1910), Postimpressionists (London, 1912), Blaue Reiter (München, 1912), Donkey's Tail (1912), Target (1913), "First Germany Salon d'Automne" (Berlin, 1913), "No.4. Futurists, Rayonists, Primitive" (1914), International Exhibitions (Venice, 1906, 1920) and others.
She designed and illustrated futuristic books.
Together with Mikhail Larionov, she organized exhibitions and societies, and was one of the founders of the Neo-Primitivism (from 1907), and Luchism (Rayonism, 1912-1914) movements.
Goncharova has worked in theatres and designed "Zobeida's wedding" (1904), "The Golden Cock" by Rimsky-Korsakov (1914), "The Fan" Goldoni (1915), The "Firebird" by Stravinsky (1926). Searved as head decorator of S.Diagilev's enterprise till 1929. At his invitation (1915) together with Larionov traveled to Switzerland, Italy and Paris.

Finally, she has left Moscow to live in Paris (1919).
Her works were shown in personal exhibitions in Russia/USSR and abroad including Moscow (1913, 1969), Petrograd (1914), Paris (1904, 1914,1956) and London (1962).

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