Friday, 17 February 2012

A Taste of Honey - Film (1961)

Screenplay by Shelagh Delaney based on her very own groundbreaking and polemical play of the same name, originally written in 1958 when Delaney was only 18 years old.

The film was co-written with its director Terry Richardson. It tells the story of 17 year old Jo (played earnestly by Rita Tushingham) in her unsettled life with an alcoholic mother (portaryed brilliantly by Dora Bryan).

Jo's life come to an expected changes after meeting black sailor Jimmy (equally fragile and charming Paul Danquah) and after his departure into service, Geoffrey - who is a sharp but gentle (and far from stereotypical) gay, young textile designer. Generous and as lonely Jo, he invites her to move in with him.

Jo eventually finds out she is pregnant after her brief liason with Jimmy and is her following questioning of her condition and the impending repetition and continuation of her situation that makes the story so compelling.

The film is very spatious in its camera work, allowing the drama to unfold naturally as it would in a real time set play. Delaney's iclusion of character of different races and sexual orientaions was her way of making reality to be seen from its inclusive angles, that we are all at times alone together in the choices we make and in what destiny allows to choose.

The scene where Jo and Geoffrey are in a church graveyard discussing their origins, theri present (see video above), the sight of a dead bird and a discarded baby doll ("the wrong colour") on its grounds make for a poingnant reflection on the limited a number of choices a girl like Jo has.

One of the most moving films I have ever seen - a definite jewel in British Cinema's crown.

Yayoi Kusama (b. March 22 1929)

Kusama's exhibition, currently on at Tate Modern in London, from the 9th of February to June the 5th 2012.

I have not visited yet but can not wait to be intoxicated by her somewhat cheerful and yet claustrophobic, lonely, dotted world.

Voluntarily living in a mental institution in her native Japan since the late 1970s, Kusama is living proof that yes, art can save you. Or at least it allows one to create a world of your own making juxtaposed to the world we cannot completely control or comprehend.

Kusama left Japan for the first time in 12 years especially to attend the opening of her retrospective at the Tate Modern in February 2012.

Women, Art & Society

A great find from a charity shop in Hampstead, London:

by Whitney Chadwick (publisher: Thames & Hudson NY, 1990)

Cover: Detail of Reflection, by Gabriele Munter (1917)

Chapters include:

Renaissance Florence and Women Artist

Amateurs and Academics: A New Ideology of Femininity in France and England

Separate but Unequal: Women's Sphere and The New Art

If we would like to change History, it is a great start to try and understand it.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Waving Goddbye to Eve

Eve Arnold (April 21st 1912 - Feb 4th 2012):

100 years on this planet:


Waving Goodbye to Dorothea

Dorothea Tanning (Aug 25th 1910 - Jan 31st 2012):

102 years on this planet:

Painter, Poet, Artist:

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Thank you Universe!

Thirty Six reasons to be grateful:

1. An 8am phone call from an 80 year old lady to tell you Happy Birthday.

2. The three Birthday / Valnetine cards you got from the most delicious man in the world.

3. To be alive

4. To be loved.

5. An 8 30am phone call from your parents on the other side of the Atlantic.

6. If no one called it would be okay too. Love is what you do when you don't have to. And love accepts people for whoever they are. Everything else is b***shit.

7. We are getting married.

8. Bergman week in Faro in April.

9. The taste of butter melted on toast.

10. Cup of Brazilian coffee with Japanese soya milk.

11. The street you live in and the people who live and work in it.

12. London.

13. Aeroplanes - those fantastic machines that take you to places you dream of.

14. The ocean in between lands - never a barrier but the soft, temperamental, liquid link between continents.

15. Music, always music.

16. Love

17. Love

18. Love

19. To have your Birthday on St. Valentin day when you wished you were a troubadour at the age of 13

20. Patti Smith on Vinyl

21. To finally learn how to spell vinyl correctly.

22. Solitude in the day and Love Date in the evening.

23. Weekdays off as paid holiday.

24. To work hard for something and see the tree bare fruit.

25. Fearlessness

26. Selflessness

27. Grace

28. Story telling

29. What you don't tell but feel.

30. Our pet spider (RIP)

31. Our plants happy to get all the moisture from the bathroom.

32. Cakes at Cakey Muto

33. Books about the Sea, Science, Poetry.

34. The Moon and its phases

35. Charity

36. The Universe for allowing us to experience of such wonderful things.


In this blog I intend to do some historical justice to the many, many women who have contributed with their genius, creativity, adventurous spirit, nurturing - amongst other qualities - to the apparent linear and male dominated prescribed notion of History. This is just the beggining.
