Thursday, 4 April 2013

Annemarie Jacir, Filmmaker

"I don't think women make different kinds of films to men. You just want to be a film-maker. Yes, I am Palestinian, yes, I am a woman – but I am so many other things too... it does box you in at times."

Annemarie Jacir

Annemarie Jacir is the first female Palestinian feature film director. She talks to The Independent about the mixed blessings of such denominators.  Read more here.

Jacir's new feature, 'When I Saw You' will be shown tonight as part of the BEV 2013 Opening Night Gala. If you are in London, do not miss the Birds Eye View Film Festival which runs until March 10th 2013 in cinemas across the city (BFI, Hackney Picture House, ICA and Barbican).

When I Saw You by Annemarie Jacir

For more information , you can visit the Birds Eye View website here. 

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In this blog I intend to do some historical justice to the many, many women who have contributed with their genius, creativity, adventurous spirit, nurturing - amongst other qualities - to the apparent linear and male dominated prescribed notion of History. This is just the beggining.
